Thursday, August 19, 2010

Cool Technology to Share

Click here to watch : Modern furniture using technologies

Lesson 1

There are some key topics and interesting observations being discussed: 

Deeper understanding on technology and world change 
I feel that globalization era is marked by the rapid technology advancement. There is no one avoiding technology aid in their daily life. Almost all people's needs are successfully fulfilled by technology and these technology advancement has made people's job much easier. Day by day, we will see new technologies springing up, taking shape and literally transforming our entire world. Discoveries are made on a daily basis in all areas of technology. Human curiosity and passion are shaping these new developments with the world. However, with the new advance in technology being introduced at greater and greater speeds, are today's workers able to learn new technology every few months? How can we learn to embrace change and acclimate to new technologies as they emerge? I feel that this is a great challenge - changing nature of time and pace. People need to see it as a must to recognize, embrace and after which the willingness to open up and accept the changes made. People can look on the positive impacts technologies bring great help to them (efficient work, faster speed) and with a big hope to help people to be smart both heart and mind. 

The future of the Human Race
I agree with the class that technologies can bring negative impacts to human race when one rely too much on the advantages of what technologies. Examples: Convenience (instant information - internet, e-mail, blackberries, instant messaging, blogs, web conferencing and wikis), Ease of transportation etc.Having to receive these benefits, it was not the main purpose of creating generations of lazy people. I totally agree that it is by choice that we choose to become fat and later on lead to obesity-related problems. In this fast-paced modern society, facing the obesity epidemic of the early 21st century would be a norm if we find excuses eating convenient/ fast food food or finding less ways not to move around from point to point using technologies. This might question us whether do we have the time to prepare a healthy balanced meal? Majority would response that the time constraint factors that restricted them to eat grab-and-go food to settle for their daily meals. There should be a good balance in their work life by doing exercise. Relating to technologies, I believe people are over-using technologies which result to this outcome. The big hope in technology must be accompanied by the realizing of the “bad impacts” which are possibly produced by the technology. After realizing the bad impacts, then we must think the continuous actions to prevent them. Automatically, it is needed maturity and knowledge as well. For example, we must think over and over again about the impact of fast food. Besides, we have to prepare ourselves to be ready in facing particular effects brought by technology through doing some useful activities such as learning ways to prevent the bad effects of the technology - keep a healthy lifestyle by exercising in this case.

Overall I find the class interesting. In fact, it was an eye-opening and insightful knowledge shared among our classmates and a good flow of discussions raised by Dr Shahi. I feel that the videos shown during class get everyone's attention and thinking, and definitely would want to see more of it during the upcoming lessons. I would rate this lesson a 7 out of 10.

Useful link relating technology news:

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

An Ever Changing World

This week is my beginning of my first lesson getting to learn more discoveries on how fast advancing technology can inter-link with the significant world change. Subsequent personal insights and reflections will be posted up regularly after each lessons. Stay tuned for the latest updates!