Sunday, November 14, 2010

Group Presentation II

It has been a long way since we just embarked on the journey to see the world change in many industries be it in the medical field or education sector, we have witnessed many changes and ongoing developments. This week lesson encompasses the remaining group presentations before we have our final exams.

Technology and Identity
The team presented on identity issues is one of the interesting topics I would like to explore on. With the growing technology advancements, do we fall into the trap of using internet as a medium to create identities? Do cyberspace connections bring us together or segregate us? These questions were discussed and briefly mentioned by the group on the impact of technology on individual identity and community identity. I did not have their links from the uploaded vista slide as they have previously changed their website domain. As far as I can recall, the group acknowledged that through surfing online, playing online game, posting information and pictures on one social networking sites, it poses danger of losing one’s identity. Anyone can pick any random photos from the net and poses as the person in online chat rooms. This is how victims are lured to their traps.

Well, after hearing those useful information shared by them, I guess our identities are less bound to ourselves in this new age. After doing some research, I have also found out that being in this information age world, more things are connected electronically and people get less emotionally connected when everyone turns to the internet. In a good way, people who post online information gets active involvement online and get connected to the online communities. However, user must still be aware of the impacts and issues of posting such personal information. As the group website has listed, prevention (of being a victim) is being than cure not only on this particular issues but it also tackles well on other computer crimes such as hacking, phishing, computer viruses and cyber-staking.

Group website: The website is clustered with words with the layout they have chosen. I find it hard to read and absorb all the information at once. The group can improve by breaking those overloaded information into other pages and add more pictures to it so that whenever the reader reads on the content, they can relate to the pictures that are shown or have a clear picture on what the author is trying to convey on the intended messages. Visual aids a lot to those who just want to catch the glimpse out of the website. Perhaps they can have an overview on the issues they want to focus on by having some picture illustration branching out to many related issues. 

Another interesting group presentation is on the Drivers of Consumer Electronics. The way the website is created is very professional and neat. The white background and visuals attract my attention. Without just words after words, the group makes use of pictures on each category of consumer electronics to show the time line from the past to present. 

It is being clear cut for me to sum how the rapid changing technology has moved from our great grandfather’s age to now a high tech era. All the heavy and bulky past devices used by our grandparents that we have witnessed (for some) had been developed to now the modern touch-screen devices that have all the multi-functions. This is not only to that developers working towards the consumer market driven strategy but now it also works on the other way. We can see the success story of how Apple has come into place to get a significant growing percentage of market shares in the computer industry as witnessed from the number of users on the streets, trains, bus, cars … as frequent as we blink our eyes (own illustration). Because of its unique research and development to produce many brilliant ideas and products, people would not mind paying a premium for the design, brand name, product features and more. People in US or even in local context Singapore would not mind queuing for days just to get hold of the first batch of Iphone 4. Just look at the crazies that it has created. Even if the product does not match the consumers' expectations, some would also go for it. 

With all these group presentations that were presented over the period of 2 weeks, it gave me an insight view of how technology has changed the way we live and use for our own benefits. All the websites are useful and a good platform for teaching and further discussions. I enjoy how this way of teaching aids in my understanding of each related topics and sometimes it will trigger my thoughts to research more than in depth. Well I believe that such teaching style on the internet makes lesson interesting, especially when there are animations and interactives, it draws attention. Moveover, any reader can access to our website and read more about our content if they are interested. It serves a purpose to educate readers.

Rate: 8.5/10

Thank you Prof Shahi and G9, for all the contributions and efforts that everyone has put in to make this journey a pleasant one. Not forgetting our TA, Amie, for you constant email reminders and help

Friday, November 05, 2010

Group Presentation I

This week’s presentations explored the various technologies that involved from sports, biology warfare, animations in movie films and technologies that surround with social networking, gaming and media industry.

The first group presentation on sports was interesting and provokes many thoughts in my mind. This also draws my memories back to our recent Youth Olympic games that were held in Singapore. In line with its motto, sports aim to strive for “faster, stronger and higher” attributes in which this concept includes seeking for excelling and fairness in every sports athlete.  However, is this really happening today with the advances of technology?
To relate to the issue, the group illustrated by using the examples of a swimming competition. What makes the athlete different when everyone is under the water? The key element lies in the swim suit of the swimmer. ‘Speedo’ swim suits are specially engineered to minimize drag and resistance acting on the swimmer. It is made lighter and water repelling so that swimmers can get faster in water with 5% less effort for them to swim at the same speed. This technology is definitely amazing as it has broken world records. But can we place the same judgment on whether is it on their hard work or because of their swim suits? As far as I can say, the presence of technological advancements definitely makes the change possible. 

For instance, it relates me to using Michael Phelps into the illustration here. To good to be true? Michael Phelps, a six-time Olympic gold medalist, also wore Speedo swim suit (Fastskin FS-PRO swimsuit) during his competition. He is one of the first athletes to wear it in the water and it definitely gives him a competitive advantage over the others with the combination of lightweight fabric and speed. To best tap on one’s skills, the swimmer can always utilize the best technology.

Out of curiosity, I have done some research on the key features of Speedo Fastskin FS-PRO:
  • Lightweight and powerful stretch
  • Superior compression compared to other woven light suits
  • Improved core stability compared to other woven light suits
  • Improved fit through computer modeling and engineering
  • Lower surface friction drag at a fabric level compared to other woven fabrics
  • Lower overall passive drag compared to other light suits
  • Water repellent and quick drying

I look forward to see such interesting presentations for next week.
Rate: 8.5/10

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Lesson 10

Technology Assessment and Forecasting; Developing a Framework for Understanding What Comes Next

This is the final week 11 and witness how time flies. The final chapter of our lesson ends with the combination of the entire chapters we have learned so far. How to be a change leader? What kinds of changes a new technology innovation might bring in terms of economic, social, legal, environmental and others?

In labs around the world, researchers are busy creating technologies that will change the way we conduct business and live our lives. Some are completely new technologies that could soon transform computing, medicine, manufacturing, transportation, and our energy infrastructure ..... Advances that could shape the future and betterment of human mankind. Sometimes it gets hard to believe in advances that are poised to change the world by forecasting our future

One of the important quotes is emphasized in class “We should work back from the future rather then from present to future”. This back from future concept works when one takes current obstacles and turns them into stepping stone as a jumping board to constantly working at their goals in the future. In essence, it makes us think of the future but with realistic limitations and obstacles so as to envision the possible change ahead.

Overall, the journey of this course has explored the various ways on how we can tap on opportunities to change the world and at the same time uncover the current technologies that have brought about sustainable solutions for the betterment of human and the world. I believe that we can make a difference in this fast changing game environment.

Rate: 8.5/10

"Be ready for tomorrow's challenges" 
- Xiaowei -

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Lesson 9

Emerging and Future Technology

Thoughts and Summary: New technologies are changing the old ways on how human behave and do things in the past. As far as I have conserved, computers have become more powerful, media is becoming more digitalised and computing, business firms are moving towards adopting “green” approach to save their operating costs, growing use of nanotechnologies and many more to benefit the mankind.
In fact, emerging technologies can be seen as a contemporary advance and innovation that human seek to serve towards their goals of creating progressive developments, competitive advantage and other more purposes. This lesson is definitely an eye-opening observation as I get to be exposed to many new technologies that are being discussed in class, like the plastics electronics, augmented reality, perfect lady robot, spider pill, driverless car and more.
One of the interesting discussions on the driverless car can be discussed further. From the response of the class, some are sceptical on this idea of driving without a driver while some are very supportive and prof is one of them. Personally, I always feel that this driverless car technology is just around the corner and we are getting ready to step into a driverless utopia (I get this image when I was 16 years old). Machines/ technologies are getting into our daily life so much so that we are dependent on them and without them it seems like the world is going to come to an end. At that age, I was hoping to have such an implementation of driverless car technology so that my parent will not feel so exhausted after his long day at work and with the aid of this technology he is able to sleep in his vehicle soundly without the risk of falling asleep while driving. We would be able to see less car accidents on the roads as driver error would not be a factor in this case, decreased traffic and pollutions. Furthermore, drivers are able to hop in their car and enjoy the “automated” ride. For those who are not convinced because they feel that we must completely entrust their lives in the hands of this driverless car technology which in the end would not be possible as there could be also errors when the car malfunctions or passengers have no control over the car. There are always extreme views on this issue but whatever the reasons I am supportive of this driverless car.
Another interesting presentation is on the spider pill. Listening to the name of it just scares me off. Spider is an eight-legged creative, so does the pill? The concept of swallowing such a big pill in your mouth and making its way to the digestive tract seems rather uncomfortable. However, when you compare another option of using endoscopes, it might seem that the spider pill is better in a way. Prof has mentioned that the patient would not feel a thing when the pill inside the patient’s body which I did not the truth until now. It just gives me the idea that whatever going down to your intestine traits will leave you pain moreover it’s in the control of doctor’s hands to examine until they find the reasons why. But I still believe many would slowly accept the use of spider pill in time to come.
I went over to the readings and browse through reading 3, Futre technologies to watch, beacuse I am curious on what I can expect for the new technologies. It is about the PC delivering the latest technology news to the world and create a lab-based reviews for readers to help them find the best products at the lowest price. I looked through the Project Natal (a small box device that have a wide varity of inputs - gestures, facial recognition and voice command), Nvidia GeForce 3D Vision (retail price at $200 on the stereoscopic glasses to get a 60Hz worth of images to get you fully immersed into a game) and Touch Capative Gloves (for Iphone/ Ipad/ Ipod users). Iphone/ Ipad/ Ipod are using capative screens which will not detect any movements if you are wearing a non-conducting material (cloth) on your hand. Therefore, Leto who has found a solution for apple users by imbuing fabric with nanoparticle to operate their devices or even ATM/ touch screen devices without removing your glove. Its retail price is $185. Personally, I would not buy as it will cost me too much just to operate any apple device using such a glove. I would just save the trouble and remove any glove on my hand if I am wearing one. Whatever it is, this product is targetting to other consumer market who serve their needs. There is always a market demand, as in for this case, no technology is a bad technology.
Key Takeaways:
There are many exciting emerging technologies that are currently in development stage, and the power of growing acceptance is definitely increasing and projected to be soon implemented in the near future as long as it serves the benefits to mankind. In another 10 years to come? I have also come across one interesting website which has written down the foreseeable technologies mankind would be expecting in the future timeline. Just to share,
Rate: 8/10

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Lesson 8

Energy and World Change (Past, Present and Future)

This week’s lesson compromises the issue of alternative renewable energy that we humans have to turn to due to the over reliance on fossil fuels. Some key discussions that we have mentioned is the class includes the drivers of global energy change – rapidly increase of energy prices, usage of energy and need for economic development, a need for sustainability where new forms of renewable energy came into the picture, new technologies and approaches to conserving energy as well as to reduce the pollution of reduction technologies.

Many nations count on coal, oil and natural gas to supply most of their energy needs but the reliance on fossil fuels still presents a big problem. Eventually the world will run out of fossil fuels, or t will become too expensive to retrieve those that remain. Furthermore, during class, we have also learned that fossil fuels cause pollutions to air, water, soil and emit greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming. Therefore, we seek for alternative ways on renewable energy resources such as wind, solar, biomass, geothermal, hydropower, ocean resources, biofuels and hydrogen derived from renewable resources. The existing renewable energy installations are making significant contributions to the US energy supply and research activities are demonstrating the far-reaching impact that a greater reliance on renewable energy sources could have on a country’s energy security.

 However, many will ponder will we do not tap on the direct sunlight or wind that are available to us? Corporations might think that investing into such technologies is of a high risk and it might not seem economically profitable in doing so? Must the government step in to lead of change? It’s definitely a green light to go for it if no one is tapping on such use.
Click here to watch: Aptera, Vehicle Of The Future 

 What is so special about Aptera?

·         50% of this average car’s energy is used pushing air out of the way at a rate of 55mph.
·         This three-wheeled car works by electricity.
·         The shape of the outer layer of the car is designed in a way that is much like a bird gliding through the wind.
·         The composite body structure provides an impact-resistant exterior that is lighter than steel but three times as strong. Front crash zones incorporate race car technology that absorbs and deflects energy to keep the cabin from harm. Integrated high-strength aluminum door beams transfer crash loads into the body and away from the cabin.
·         A complement of driver and passenger air bags is incorporated to ensure that each passenger is always secure.

This kind of electric car has been receiving lots of hype over the years as a car that is run using electricity and not fuel. It helps in reducing the consumption of fuel and thus growing in popularity and economy till today.
Personally, I feel that the electric car can act as an environment friendly guardian angel on the roads which can in fact draws a lot of by-passers’ attention to the use of electric car. The greatest advantage is that they are zero-emission vehicle where there is no emission from the tailpipe. However the electricity that is used to power these cars is produced from an energy plant by combustion of fossil fuels. Though fossil fuels are used here, it is argued that it is better for these fuels to be expelled at the plant than at the tailpipe.

Another advantage to buying an electric car in the US is that there are numerous financial incentives offered when buying an electric car. These incentives include cash rebates, tax credits, free re-charging and even free parking in some states.

Well, after all, the electric car is not something new to the car industry as they have been around for some time. In fact, presently they are the leaders in future cars. 

 "The days of fossil fuels are numbered. Renewed energy will drive the Green Revolution"
Dr. Shahi

Overall Rating: 7/10

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Lesson 7

BioBusiness Revolution: Agribiology, Environment Life Sciences and Industrial Biotechnology (Past, Present and Future)

Thoughts and Summary:

Readings on Ending World Hunger. The promise of Biotechnology and the threats of Antiscience Zealotory
This reading caught by attention as it tags along with the Nobel Prize for Peace, 1970. The whole article is on a critique on the genetic modification of crops. In fact, author tries to emphasize that the green revolution is not over but it is another improvement made to the crop management productivity. I believe it is bringing more food supply to the world and I am totally supportive of this. As long as this genetic improvement of food crops can continue to meet the needs of 8.3 billion people (that is stated to be projected at the end of quarter century), I don’t see the point why we should be against it. Imagine days without food? That is then the end of the day for us human.
The use of biotechnology has developed invaluable new scientific methodologies and products. Look at the long term effects – reduction in herbicide (leads to lower production costs and a more environment friendly world), ability to plant agriculture in acidic soil (more arable land), greater tolerance of weather conditions and more. These have proven that the genetic modification of crops is a progressive force of nature of feeding human race. The author also stressed that a better education about genetic diversity and variation, so that people are more aware that the new technology shall be their salvation.

In Bandana’s presentation, she has also brought up the whole picture of Monsanto's profit margin vs socially responsible. Instead of teaching farmers or selling their new technology to them, the company simply sells to farmers without any interest in whether or not farmers benefit from them. Being profit driven and re-patent their core products is Monsanto’s main motives. They do not seen to be an ethical practice but I believe this is what every businesses' goals to survive, either you are the big brother calling the shots or not but the ones following in the norm. Suggestion brought up by the class is that Monsanto could change their business model such that they can collect their money of the seeds sold after every harvest that instead of farmers buying seeds.
Rate: 7 /10

Friday, September 24, 2010

Lesson 6

BioBusiness Revolution: Healthcare and Biomedical Sciences

Readings - Section 7A and B, Youtube clip on Emergence of and Immerging of Disease Management

Thoughts and Summary: The emerging trend in global health is a concern especially when baby boomers are consuming large medical health services. As they aged, chronic conditions such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and arthritis are inevitable. Due to the emerging trends in global health, medical centres are tailoring personal home-to-home medical services to the elderly so much so that the medical costs are reduced. Elderly can now lived up to 90 and above, and it is never surprising the number goes higher than 100. Elderly are living longer and healthier with the help of medical care and increased self-awareness on their health problems. It just struck me on the question, “Can I be able to live so long just like them?” I just pondered over this. I am just not sure by looking at the lifespan of my grandparents. I wish that in the past they can receive such medical treatment as compared to now.

With the new methods proposed for each individual, doctors can carefully monitor their patients though the telecommunication systems on internet and telephones. High risk patients will seek higher attention health care from their medical providers at home without leaving their houses. It makes the entire systems so efficient and serves the purpose of bringing convenience to the less mobile patients. All it needs to take is the patients administer their health status and doctors/ nurses can accesses to these information easily and give medical advice according to their health condition. I find that this daily or weekly proactive monitoring system allows patient to communicate with the doctors in an efficient way through virtual messages instead of patient going through the pain of waiting for the next medical consultation. I know how it feels because one of my family members has shared the experience he had in the hospital for every medical check-ups (as usual long waiting time, long queues, short consultation with doctor… )

This IT solution is definitely motivating as patients know that the medical providers are actually looking after them and they will be more self aware on their medical conditions. Besides, early symptoms can also be detected. It is proven that with DM kept in place on the grey population, health care costs are lowered, improved health outcomes and lower hospital admissions. DM is definitely a great promise to the health care delivery.

Thoughts and summary: This week’s discussion is rather close and real to us, intertwining with biology. We discover how technology has come into contact with our self interest and perfectionism. One of the presenters has shared with us great insights on Human Gerome project. The main advantages of the project are that the human is now able to revolutionize the ways to diagnose, treat and prevent diseases with the knowledge of effects of variation of DNA (more development of medicine and other aspects of health care) and it definitely provides clues to understand more in depth on the human biology. What about the ethics issues? As this astonishing treasure trove is introduced into society, are we going to misuse such knowledge? There have been on-going controversial debates over it. Some still believe that it could be the betterment of human in future?  

Overall: 7.5
"The BioBusiness Revolution will transform our lives (our health, food, clothes, energy source, others ..) and for our economies. BioBusiness may well be our best hope for achieving sustainable development."
Dr Shahi